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Annual Campaigns: Once a Year, Every Year
People support Milarepa Center because they believe in the mission of Milarepa Center as the FPMT East Coast retreat center and as a place for peace and serenity to pervade.


Q: What is the annual fund?
We, like all non-profits, conduct an annual fund campaign each and every year for the purpose of raising unrestricted money to assist in supporting Milarepa Center’s regular, current year ongoing operating expenses. Annual gifts make up the difference between what we take in on course fees and the actual cost of running the Center. The annual campaign is our primary source of unrestricted contributed income. It helps make us stable so we can accomplish our daily work and make strides on the future plans for Milarepa Center. Milarepa Center is a 501(c) 3 not-for profit organization and 100% of Annual Fund gifts are tax-deductible. Official thank you notes and receipts will be issued with our tax ID number for your records.


Q: What are the sustainable methods you mentioned in the letter?
Giving an Annual Gift, Becoming a Friend, attending fee based programs and free programs, doing a personal retreat, referring a friend, giving an in-kind donation, donating stocks, putting Milarepa Center in your will, getting a matching gift from your workplace, and sponsoring a project are all powerful ways we can work together to keep the dream of Milarepa Center alive and running.


Q: Why do program fees not cover the full cost of running Milarepa Center?

To cover the actual cost of running Milarepa Center would require a significant fee increase. Such an increase would make retreats unviable for many. Milarepa Center, like other non-profits, generates its funding from a variety of sources. These include program fees, cabin rentals and voluntary fundraising from students, supporters and other community members. Tax-deductible donations to the Milarepa Center Annual Fund directly offset the current year’s operating budget, thus reducing each retreater’s program cost and encouraging retreat.


Q: How much am I expected to give?
As much as you are able. We ask each person to participate at a level appropriate for his or her circumstances. Every gift has a direct impact on the experience of each of our students, retreaters, long-term volunteers, full-time team members, and visiting teachers. It is, also, a way for you to say you believe in what we are doing. We strive for a high percentage of participation in the Annual Fund Campaign. All gifts are vital and appreciated.

If everyone gives as they are truly able, we can always reach our goal.


Q: Will a small gift make a difference?
Yes! Milarepa Center needs your participation. While the dollar goal is very important to meeting the annual budget, high participation rates (at any level) help.


Q: How do I make my gift?
You can make your gift by returning the envelope that was mailed to you, you can make your pledge or gift by credit card online by clicking here to access the giving page of our website, or you can directly mail us a check made out to Milarepa Center at 1344 US Route 5 South, P.O. Box 51, Barnet, VT 05821.


Q: When should I give?
While the Milarepa Center Annual Fund accepts gifts throughout the year we ask you to give your 2017 Annual Gift as soon as possible or by December 31, 2017. Your gifts are a significant and vital source of support. Every gift counts!


Q: How do I go about getting a matching gift from my employer?

Matching gifts are a great way to leverage your gifts to Milarepa Center. To get started, contact your company’s Human Resources Department to see if your company has a matching gifts program. Find out what paperwork you will need to initiate a match. Or you may contact us at 802-633-4136 and we will do some research to get you started.


Q: Can I designate my gift to a specific area at Milarepa Center?
We ask that annual fund gifts be unrestricted so that they may be used for general operating costs. However, there are times when exceptions can be made for unique opportunities.


Q: I paid my Friendship dues. Why should I give to the Annual Fund?
Giving a gift is separate from dues. We rely on dues paying Friends each month as a form of revenue we can rely on to keep the Center open. Only a portion of Friendship dues meet IRS guidelines for 501(c) (3) tax deductibility because of the direct value received in return.


Q: How is my annual fund gift used?
Your annual fund gift is used where it is most needed within our general operating expenses. Repairs and maintenance, equipment, and utility costs are a few examples of some of our general operating expenses.


Becoming a Friend of Milarepa is a great way to consistently support our programs and development.

Learn about becoming a Friend of Milarepa.



Milarepa Center is affiliated with the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition, also known as the FPMT. This means that our Center follows the spiritual direction of Lama Zopa Rinpoche and uses FPMT’s educational programs and materials, as well as registered FPMT spiritual teachers for programs and is created in the lineage of Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche. Each FPMT center is a individually incorporated 501c3 non-profit legal entity and is responsible for its own governance and finance.

Milarepa Center

1344 U.S. Route 5 South

Barnet, Vermont 05821

(802) 633-4136

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